Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One Page Website Wireframes

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to supercharge your site’s speed with AJAX and jQuery

In this tutorial we’re going to look at how to speed up the user experience on small static sites using a few different methods. (A static site is one which doesn't have any renewing content, so no blog posts or photo streams etc.)
The way we’re going to be doing this is by taking out page reloads. So simply put, when the user uses some navigation links, only the main content of the page changes and it doesn't make the browser reload the page.
We will be achieving this effect in two different ways, the first only uses jQuery, and the other uses AJAX and some PHP. They both have their pros and cons, which we’ll look at as well. Take a look at the demo to see what we’re trying to achieve and let’s start with the first (and simpler) jQuery method.

Achieving the effect with jQuery

First we will look at the setup for the page. The HTML is very simple but has a few important parts, “the essentials” as it were. We need some navigation links which have a specific hash href (which we’ll explain in a minute) and a specified content area which you would already have on any other site anyway. So let’s first see what is in our index.html file:
    <h1>Speed Up Static Sites with jQuery</h1>
            <li><a href="#page1" class="active" id="page1-link">Page 1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page2" id="page2-link">Page 2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page3" id="page3-link">Page 3</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page4" id="page4-link">Page 4</a></li>
<div id="main-content">
    <section id="page1">
        <h2>First Page Title</h2>
        <p>First page content.</p>
    <section id="page2">
        <h2>Look, no page load!</h2>
        <p>Second page content.</p>
    <section id="page3">
        <h2>Ooh fade!</h2>
        <p>Third page content.</p>
    <section id="page4">
        <h2>Fourth Page Title</h2>
        <p>Fourth page content.</p>
</div> <!-- end #main-content -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="custom.js"></script>
So to recap the important parts of what needs to go into the markup: we have our navigation in which each link has an href of the corresponding DIV. So the link to “Page 2″ has a href=”#page2″ (which is the id of the <section> element further down). So with this first method as you can see we have a div of #main-content surrounding our sections, and then each page content one after the other in their own separate ‘section’ element. We also call jQuery and our own custom.js javascript file in which the actual functionality of the site will be made.
But before we get to that we need to add one line to our CSS, there’s no need to go over the whole CSS file for this example as it’s all only for looks, which will change with whatever project you’re working on. However, with this first method there’s one line that’s essential and that’s:
#page2, #page3, #page4 {
display: none;
This hides all the ‘pages’ except the first one. So the page appears normally on first load.

The JavaScript

So now to explain what we need to achieve via jQuery. In our custom.js file, we need to target when the user clicks on a navigation link. Retrieve its href link and find the ‘section’ with that same ID, then hide everything in the #main-content div and fade in the new section. This is what it looks like:
$(function() {
    $('header nav a').click(function() {
        var $linkClicked = $(this).attr('href');
        document.location.hash = $linkClicked;
        if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) {
            $("header nav a").removeClass("active");
            $('#main-content section').hide();
            return false;
        else {
            return false;
    var hash = window.location.hash;
    hash = hash.replace(/^#/, '');
    switch (hash) {
        case 'page2' :
            $("#" + hash + "-link").trigger("click");
        case 'page3' :
            $("#" + hash + "-link").trigger("click");
        case 'page4' :
            $("#" + hash + "-link").trigger("click");
This code is split into two sections, the first achieves what we just talked about. It has a click function on the header nav links. It then puts the ‘#page1, #page2′ etc into a variable named $linkClicked. We then update the browser’s URL to have that same hash name. Then we have an if statement making sure the link we’re clicking is not the current tab, if it is then do nothing, but if not hide all current content and unhide the div with an ID of $linkClicked. Simple as that!
The second section checks if the url has a hash link on the end of it, if it does, it finds a corresponding link on the page with the same value (that’s why the links have specific IDs in the markup) and then it triggers that link (it clicks on it). What this does, is means the user can reload a page after having navigated to a ‘page’ and the refresh will send the user back there instead of just back to the first page, which can often be a problem with this sort of system.
So that’s the end of the first method, this results in a working static site that has instantaneous content swapping, and no page reloads. The only drawback to this method is the fact that all the content is called on the initial load, as it’s all there in the index file. This can start to be a problem with photos and extra content making the first site visit load a bit longer. So let’s look at another way to do this same effect which can eliminate that problem.

Using AJAX and PHP

To achieve this same effect but in a slightly different way, so that the initial load isn’t going to load all of our content and thus slow it down (defeating the point if the site has a lot of content) we will use a little PHP and AJAX. This means that the file structure for our project will change and look like this:
So if you look, the index file is now a .php and not a .html. We also have an extra file named ‘load.php’ as well as a new folder/directory called pages in which there are four HTML pages. Now this means that if you’re working locally you need to set up a local development environment using something like MAMP (for Mac) or WAMP Server (for Windows). Or you can upload the whole folder onto a web server if you have access and edit on there, basically you’ll need an environment where the PHP will work.
The index.php has only changed one thing, but it’s important, we will now not load all the content in there, and simply call the initial content in with a PHP include. It now will look something like this:
    <h1>AJAX a Static Site</h1>
            <li><a href="#page1" class="active" id="page1-link">Page 1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page2" id="page2-link">Page 2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page3" id="page3-link">Page 3</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page4" id="page4-link">Page 4</a></li>
<div id="main-content">
<?php include('pages/page1.html'); ?>
</div> <!-- end #main-content -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="custom.js"></script>
So the line beginning <?php is calling in the first HTML file from our folder of pages and inserting in entirely into our #main-content DIV. The file called can contain whatever content you want to appear on the page.

Using $.ajax in the JavaScript

Let’s move onto the new JavaScript, it now looks slightly different, mainly we’re now using AJAX to fetch the new content from each HTML file when the user clicks on some corresponding navigation. Here’s the first function in the code (the second stays the same as before):
$(function() {
    $('header nav a').click(function() {
        var $linkClicked = $(this).attr('href');
        document.location.hash = $linkClicked;
        var $pageRoot = $linkClicked.replace('#page', '');
        if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) {
            $("header nav a").removeClass("active");
                type: "POST",
                url: "load.php",
                data: 'page='+$pageRoot,
                dataType: "html",
                success: function(msg){
                    $('#main-content section').hide().fadeIn();
    else {
So let’s explain what’s going on. We’re adding one more variable, that’s $pageRoot. This is basically the actual number clicked (taking way the ‘#page’ part of the hash link and leaving the individual number). Then inside the same “if” statement as before we call ajax and use the other PHP file we mentioned earlier to parse the information given (which link has been clicked) and find the corresponding page. Then if it comes back with no error, we insert the new HTML from the file received into our #main-content DIV. Then just to stop it changing suddenly, we hide everything and then fade it in.


The contents of the new PHP file is short and sweet, it takes the page number that jQuery has sent it and looks to see if the corresponding HTML file exists. If it does it gets all the content and returns it to the AJAX function (which we showed a moment ago that we insert that content into the main DIV).
if(!$_POST['page']) die("0");
$page = (int)$_POST['page'];
echo file_get_contents('pages/page'.$page.'.html');
else echo 'There is no such page!';
Following that the site should look however you want it to, but mostly work properly.
That’s it! The site now calls in the right corresponding HTML file each time the user clicks on a navigation link. It swaps out the content without making the page reload. And this way it still doesn’t have to call all the content on the initial page load! I hope you’ve managed to learn some useful method from this tutorial and that you can use it to improve some project in some way.
You can view the jQuery demo here, the PHP demo here, or download the source and take a closer look.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Automatic Create and Modified timestamps in MySQL

If you’re anything like me, you often find yourself needing to add create and modified timestamps to data stored in a MySQL database. Typically, I’d do this programmatically from within the application without giving it a second thought, wrapping up time(); in an SQL statement and firing it over.
Recently, while doing some development work for one of my clients, I was given the requirement to add Created and Modified timestamps to a whole bunch of existing data tables. These tables were referenced by hundreds of different MySQL queries, and to complicate matters further, we were in the middle of migrating the code over to a new database library.
I didn’t much fancy rewriting all of the SQL queries, potentially twice, just to add a couple of timestamps, so modifying code wasn’t much of an option. Thankfully, a couple of MySQL’s internal features came to the rescue.

Adding a ModifiedTime

Adding a modified timestamp to a table is the most straight forward. All your have to do is create the field of type TIMESTAMP, and by default, MySQL will automatically update the field when the row is modified.
There are a couple of things to be aware of:
  • While you can have multiple TIMESTAMP fields in a row, only one of these can be automatically updated with the current time on update.
  • If your UPDATE query contains a value for your ModifiedTime field, this value will be used.
So, to add your modified timestamp field to an existing table, all you need is:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD ModifiedTime TIMESTAMP;

Adding a CreatedTime

Adding a CreateTime value is a little more involved.
On the latest versions of MySQL it is apparently possible to create a DateTime field with a default value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. This wasn’t an option for me as I was having to support a somewhat older version, besides, even on the newer versions of MySQL it is not possible to have more than one field using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, which of course we are in order to get ModifiedTime working.
So, in order to get a created timestamp, firstly we must add a DATETIME field to the table.
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD CreatedTime datetime NOT NULL;
Note, that this must be created as NOT NULL in order for the next part to work (this is because setting NOT NULL forces an automatic all zeros default).
Next, we must create a trigger, which will automatically be fired when we insert a value into our table and set the created timestamp.
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `my_table_insert_trigger`//
CREATE TRIGGER `my_table_insert_trigger`
IF NEW.CreatedTime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
SET NEW.CreatedTime = NOW();
Now, when you insert a value into the table, this trigger will fire and, if you’ve not provided a CreatedTime field in your insert query, it will be set to the current time stamp.


Since all the queries in the application code specified the columns they were updating on insert, I was able to use this method to add created and modified time stamp fields to all the existing object tables in the database, without needing to modify any of the existing application code.
This simplified my life greatly, but also suggests to me that this method might be somewhat more efficient than the methods I’d previously used.

Encrypted client side PHP sessions

Those of you who have done any amount of web application programming should all be familiar with the concept of a Session, but for everyone else, a Session is a way of preserving state between each browser page load in the inherently stateless web environment.
This is required for, among other things, implementing the concept of a logged in user!
In PHP, this is typically implemented by setting a session ID to identify a user’s browser and saving it as a client side cookie. This cookie is then presented to the server alongside every page request, and the server uses this ID to pull the current session information from the server side session store and populate the $_SESSION variable.
This session data must, obviously, be stored somewhere, and typically this is on the server, either in a regular file (default in PHP) or in a database. This is pretty secure, and works well in traditional single web server environments. However, a server side session store presents problems when operating in modern load balanced environments, like Amazon Web Services, where requests for a web page are handled by a pool of servers.
The reason is simple… in a load balanced environment, a request for the first page may be handled by one server, but the second page request may be handled by an entirely different server. Obviously, if the sessions are stored locally on one server, then that information will not be available to other servers in the pool.
There are a number of different solutions to this problem. One typical solution is to store sessions in a location which is available to all machines in the pool, either a shared file store or in a shared database. Another technique commonly used is to make the load balancer “session aware”, and configure it to address all requests from a given client to the same physical machine for the duration of the session, but this may limit how well the load balancer can perform.

What about storing sessions on the client?

Perhaps a better way to handle this problem would be to store session data on the client browser itself? That way it could send the session data along with any request, and it wouldn’t matter which server in the pool handled the request.
Obviously, this presents some issues, first of which being security. If session data is stored on the client, then it could conceivably be edited by the user. If the session contains a user ID, and this isn’t protected, then this could let a user pretend to be another. Any data stored on the client browser must therefore be protected, typically this is done by the use of strong encryption.
So, to begin with we need to replace the default PHP session handler with one of our own, which will handle the encryption and cookie management. The full code can be found on GitHub, via the link below, but the main bits of the code to pay attention to are saving the session:
// Encrypt session
$encrypted_data = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, self::$key, $session_data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, self::$iv));

// Save in cookie using cookie defaults
setcookie($session_id, $encrypted_data);
Followed by reading the session back in:
return mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, self::$key, base64_decode($_COOKIE[$session_id]), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, self::$iv );
If things are working correctly, you should see something similar to this:


There are some limitations to this technique that you should be aware of before trying to use it.
Firstly, the total size of all cookies varies from browser to browser, but is limited to around 4K. Remember, this is the total size of all cookies, not just the encrypted session, so your application should only store a bare minimum in the session.
Secondly, and this relates somewhat to the previous point, since the session is sent in the HTTP header on every request, you could eat up bandwidth if you start storing lots in the session. Another reason to store the absolute minimum!
Thirdly, session saving is done using a cookie, so you must be done with sessions, and call session_write_close(); explicitly, before you send any non-header output to the browser.
Have fun!