Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Things To Know Before Designing A Great App

User interface design (known also as user interface engineering) encompasses the designing of computing devices, machines, communication devices, software apps, and websites.
The main focus of UI design is to create memorable experience and to guarantee excellent interaction with users. The experience ought to be simplified and efficient, meaning that users will be able to accomplish their tasks without problems or unnecessary delays. This is why UI design is known as the most user-centered design.
Great interface design will enable users to accomplish their tasks with a feeling of ease and comfort. Designers have the essential task of balancing between visual appearance and functionality, in order to provide technically acceptable, but also beautiful design.
Things To Know Before Designing An App
Image source: Julien Renvoye
When reading about things to know before designing an app, you should also have in mind that the system you are designing ought to be modifiable and adaptable to users’ needs.

Platforms for app development

UI style differs significantly from one operating system to the other (try and compare Android, IOS and Windows). Designers should be experienced in a particular platform, so that they will make a suitable design. Choosing the inappropriate platform for a specific UI design would cause some incompatibility.
When developing a non-native app (HTM/CSS), designers should apply the so-called Flat Design style. Skeuomporphic style on the other hand is not applicable because it is complex and slow, and each object has to be modified in order to use images. The final result would be a ‘heavy’ app which takes time to load an image.

The final user doesn’t like changes

The final user doesn’t like changes
Image source: Daniel Klopper
It is sad, but it’s true. It is because change shortens the time users have on disposal for getting their job done. Most final users are always afraid they’ll click ‘the wrong’ thing and they’ll break their device when working in a modified environment. It means that none of the UI changes you may introduce will be positively accepted at the beginning (unless you work carefully and you make a ‘facilitating’ design).
Changes shouldn’t be constantly applied. Your users need to rely on your app’s consistency and you have to make sure that what they’ve learned can be applied for a long time. The essential elements that need to remain unchanged are: layout, design and language. In such cases, users will understand the app much better and they will become much more efficient when operating with it.

Good content creates UI confidence

Good content creates UI confidence
Image source: Gleb Kuznetsov
UI is a deal between you and your customers: you give your customers excellent-quality content, and they are willing to cope with the complexity of your design in order to obtain it. This explains the existence and excellent performance of lower-quality apps that are poorly designed, but have gathered traffic for years so far. It’s a rule-content will always count more than the design standing behind it.

Mobile platforms are different than desktop platforms

Image source: Megan Fox
This is a fact. Your users distinguish mobile from desktop platforms, so don’t expect them to approach the platforms in the same way. Apple is clearly pushing towards the identification between IOS and OSX, but that won’t be such a big user problem because users are familiar with the IOS interface for quite a while.

Using standardized buttons

The biggest dilemma is to choose between ‘Cancel, OK’ and ‘OK, Cancel’ (or Apple’s ‘Previous, Next’ flow).
Designers usually go for Windows’ well-established ‘Cancel, OK’ flow, since most of the population is right handed and they need a subconscious shortcut into approving an activity. Some designers also use colors (green for OK; red for Cancel) believing that in this way, users are enabled to depict the options clearly.
Using standardized buttons
Image source: Padam Boora
Shadowed buttons are not uncommon for flat and skeuomorphic design. In such case, it is recommendable to take really good care of consistency, as the shadow angles need to remain the same throughout the entire website/app. It is a way of replicating daylight experiences, where sunlight disperses equally on any of the present objects.

Keep users focused

Keep users focused
Image source: Alex Volk
In web design, focused equals entertained. You’ll need both dynamic and static elements, and other exiting aspects of UI interface. Your goal is to attract users and to maintain their attention. We recommend you to use bold colors and interesting images.
Human eyes are not so linear to neglect your motions, edges, and patterns. This is exactly why you should avoid distracting or irritating content if you want them to stay focused on something else. Marketing, however, makes the most of this knowledge.
Moderate employing of visual objects can help users to focus and to understand how to perform operations on your website/app without making an effort for understanding technicalities. Visual information is short and concise, and provides an excellent orientation sense among users. At the end of the day, they came looking for simplicity and an easy UI. They don’t really want to know what is happening behind the curtain.

Give them feedback

Remember that interface is a form of interaction-you need to be there for your users at every moment, and to let them know when they do something wrong/right. They should have instructions, guidelines, and to be informed on every exception. We are not talking about user support (that’s not a designer’s problem) but about small cues or messages which can easily take them to the desired result.

What users think about role-interface actually counts

Why would you design a great user interface, if there weren’t the users to evaluate it? You might think users have no enough knowledge to detect the flaws of your design, but they are the first ones to notice complexity or to tag a design as inefficient. Therefore, final users’ feedback should be considered-without user’s affection, even the loveliest website will be ignored.
Users’ opinion is the essential tool of outstanding designers.

UI And UX Tips (Secrets) To Improve Your Skills

If you have a passion for art, and a good head for technicalities, chances are that UI/UX designing is your jam.
This is one of the few jobs that provide an outlet for skill, imagination, creativity and technological know-how, which also makes it so demanding.
If you’re looking for ways to improve on your skills, though, this is the roadmap to a pro designer mode.

Spend Time in Drawing and Sketching

The job of a UI/UX designer is to combine the role of a visual artist with that of a techie, but in paying attention to codes and digital designs, but over time I found myself more and more distant my first true passion for art.
This caused difficulties in designing, until the day I picked up a sketchpad and just started conceptualizing…on paper. Just think of what many art classes focus on: positive and negative space, colors, perspective, depth, layout and framing. Each of these elements counts amongst essential skills for an UI designer, and can help you get closer to your dreams of success.

Make Use of User Testing with Prototyping Tools

Make Use of User Testing with Prototyping Tools
Image source: Tsuriel
This is an important secret for UI and UX designers: user testing. The basic idea behind it is the thinking out loud approach, which works so well in a variety of fields and situations.
Methods vary from discount testing to lab tests, and there are some really good books if you want to go into details e.g. the Handbook of Usability Testing by Jeffrey Rubin and Dana Chisnel. One of my favorite tools is Invision, which lets me transform my own designs into interactive and totally-clickable mockups.

Optimizing UI and UX for Mobile Devices

Optimizing UI and UX for Mobile Devices
Image source: Lukas Horak
One mistake I’ve seen very often is that designers leave just one design framework for both mobile and desktop devices. Realizing this, I mobilized my own design team to work on separate versions.
Together, we created a mobile optimized design module that had bigger text, less number of elements, automatic input zoning, and more such features. One UX design principle we utilized was breaking each task into smaller portions, so that we could focus each task towards one particular process.
We also use particular mobile-oriented designs that factor-in hand/finger positions for hand-held devices.

Utilizing UI Recurring Pattern Libraries

Utilizing UI Recurring Pattern Libraries
Image source: Gleb Kuznetsov
Design patterns are big on abilities, make no mistake. If you want to up your designing skills, you’ll have to take advantage of these to a great extent. A popular design pattern to use is the Card: you identify a key component, represent it in the form of a card, make sure the user associates the shape/style with something, and then use instant recognition to reduce load.

Unearth the Ways in which Process Works to become Better

Unearth the Ways in which Process Works to become Better
Image source: Stano Bagin
If you want to be a great – and not just a good – UX designer, you should turn your attention towards how Processes work. It is a fundamental aspect of designing, so all you need is to choose the right method depending on the context of use.
You can choose Agile development methods for incremental and interactive designing, you can use the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and Improved CMM (CMMI) for quality control and analysis, and you can use the Lean Startup as a framework for understanding user needs and requirements through the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) hypothesis.

If you Want to Improve, Research Your Potential Users Well

cannot emphasize on this enough, really! Imagine that you’re trying to sell steak to an 80 year old with no teeth, or a drug to a policeman, and you’ll see exactly how risky it is to go in blind.
Without knowing the age, context, needs and requirements of your prospective audience, you really can’t figure out a good design. A hip and cool nightclub’s web page would be totally different from that of MIT, now, won’t it?
So do a bit of research and find out what kind of things you’ll be offering on the page: then run a mockup to see if it lives up to what you’d imagined inside your head initially. Works like a charm, every time!

Use tools like GoogleDrive

Google Drive is the collaborative cloud storage tool which saved me so many times that I’ve lost count! There’s a reason why it’s so awesome for UI and UX designers, and that’s mostly related to its amazing sharing abilities.
For instance, you can use Sheets to break down tasks, you can use Presentations to represent wireframes and UX flows, and you can use Google Drawing to share simple state diagrams. Plus, you and your team can use it to share notes and feedback: which is very useful especially if you want to make edits later on.

Learn the Technical tricks of the Trade for Great Success

Learn the Technical tricks of the Trade for Great Success
Image source: Prakhar Neel Sharma
Okay, now it’s time to look into some technical aspects like spacing and buttons. Now, web-designing requires typographers, but as an UI/UX specialist, you should have some idea of letter spacing (via CSS letter spacing property).
Next, pay attention to how you use typesetting buttons: misplaces labels are the worst thing imaginable, so be careful! Also, make sure to link with the help of padded block links which highlight clickable areas so as to give users a better experience (it can be frustrating clicking beyond the text are, and finding out you’d been hitting up on blank space all along).
Be careful to add enough padding to the links, because simply converting it to a block format won’t really help much except to increase the width and height.

Improve on Color Skills for Overall Development

Improve on Color Skills for Overall Development
Image source: Natalie Berowska
This is another skill development point that should take you back to Art class, but it’s absolutely critical if you want to be a good UI and UX designer. By using correct colors, you can highlight a particular element on a page, provide some good contrast, and direct the flow of attention.
Used properly with the help of block grid elements on a particular page, effective coloration can give a huge impetus to how your design is perceived. Better visuals, more money: at least in my experience of the past years! Besides, color and contrast are great but little known tricks for managing your visitors’ attention and focus.

Use design elements like Lines, Animation, White Space

Use design elements like Lines, Animation, White Spaces
Image source: Ramotion
The reason why I’m paying so much attention to white spaces, line and animation, is that I learnt its importance the hard way. When I first designed a website for a client, I hardly knew about these factors. Speaking to him after about a month or so,
I learnt of the less-than expected success of the site. I was young, naïve, and optimistic, so everything was personal: which is why I went back to some guidelines and tried to analyze what went wrong.
Using white space more often, a couple of animated elements, and some lines to draw between components, I offered another version of my initial design. Surprisingly enough, this actually worked and led to some great feedback.