Monday, January 20, 2014

How to Become Famous Using Social Media

  1. 1
    Learn about the multiple types of social media. Some different types are:
    • Micro blogging platforms
    • Social Networking

    • Blogging - Blogger
      Blogging - Blogger

  2. 2
    Become active in the method or methods you plan on using. Becoming well known doesn't happen with you just sitting on your digital butt. You need to be proactive.
    like on facebook

  3. 3
    Have an opinion. It may happen, but returned visits to your blog or networking site don't happen because you are talking about the bad day with your kids. It happens because you talk about your day with your kids and:
    • Can have humor about it
      Facebook Openion

    • Have possible solutions for any problems, etc.
      Solutions for any problems
  4. 4
    Use micro blogging platforms. Once you have started your blogging or commentary, share it. Send it out and it may not happen right away, but eventually, as your writing ability develops (or your opinions do), the readers will come. micro blogging platforms